The Golden Years of Dutch Pop Music (A&B Sides and More 1971-1976) (Compilation)
- Sally Saddlepain
- Thank Me Not
- You Always Can Change
- Hard Royce
- Wheelchair Groupie
- Mr. Widow
- Stranger
- Fool in the Mirror
- Bootlegs Ballet
- Herbie's Turtle
- Oriental Journey
- The Least You Could Do Is Send Me Some Flowers
- Soft Royce
- I Wish I Could
- Marc's Occasional Showers
- Catharine's Wig
- The Dance
- Soft Eyed Woman
- Convicts of the Air
- Mountain Queen
- Don and Dewey
- Mr Barnum Jr's Magnificent and Fabulous City
- New Guinea Sunrise: Sunrise / Wake Me Up
- Darling Superstar
- Farewell Miss Barcelona
- Revolution's Eve: Revolution's Theme / Nobody Can Wait Forever
- Central Station Hustle
- L.A. Rendez-Vous
- High Rockin'
The Marks Sessions - Expanded Edition
The Ultimate Collection (Compilation)
- The Dance
- Enough Enough
- Marc's Occasional Showers
- Darling Superstar
- Mr. Widow
- Take Any Road
- Convicts of the Air
- I Wish I Could
- Sweet Surrender
- Soft-Eyed Woman
- Don and Dewey
- Mr Barnum Jr's Magnificent and Fabulous City (Part One)
- Catherine's Wig
Mehr Songtexte
- Mr. Barnum's Jr.'s Magnificent And Fabulous City
- Marc's Occasional Showerd
- Oriental Jouney
- Revolution's Eve: Revolution's Theme/Nobody Can Wait Forever
- Farewell Miss Barcelona
- Mr Widow
- New Guinea Sunrise: Sunrise/Wake Me Up
- L.A Rendez-Vous
- Catharine's Wing
- Mr. Widdow
- Nobody Can't Wait Forever
- Softe-Eyed Woman
- Fool in the Mirror (Sham Fight)
- Minnie Minnoux
- Teach Me